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Enhancing UX and introducing major features for a leading web3 storage platform

Enhancing UX and introducing major features for a leading web3 storage platform

Enhancing UX and introducing major features for a leading web3 storage platform

about Pinata

Pinata, a pioneering web3 platform in the realm of decentralized data storage, is reshaping the landscape of digital asset management and distribution for IPFS and Farcaster.

Pinata makes it simple to store and retrieve media on IPFS and build social applications.


Senior Product Designer


May 2023 – Dec 2023



about Pinata

Pinata, a pioneering web3 platform in the realm of decentralized data storage, is reshaping the landscape of digital asset management and distribution for IPFS and Farcaster.

Pinata makes it simple to store and retrieve media on IPFS and build social applications.


Senior Product Designer


May 2023 – Dec 2023



about Pinata

Pinata, a pioneering web3 platform in the realm of decentralized data storage, is reshaping the landscape of digital asset management and distribution for IPFS and Farcaster.

Pinata makes it simple to store and retrieve media on IPFS and build social applications.


Senior Product Designer


May 2023 – Dec 2023




As Pinata, an IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) storage platform, continued to evolve, it encountered significant hurdles that hindered its market positioning and user satisfaction. Chief among these challenges were a surge in support tickets due to a convoluted design and missing features, coupled with a decline in user engagement stemming from the absence of critical functionalities like bulk file deletion.

This case study chronicles to tackle these obstacles. Spearheaded by myself as the sole Product Designer, a comprehensive audit and redesign initiative was undertaken to enhance Pinata's interface and functionality, empowering the platform to reclaim its competitive edge and deliver a great user experience.


To address Pinata's challenges, I embraced a collaborative and adaptive approach, blending design, product management, and data insights. This flexible process enabled swift iteration while adapting to evolving requirements.

User Research & Data Analysis

I began by conducting an in-depth analysis of existing user feedback, support tickets, and user behaviour data. This allowed me to refine our user persona and pinpoint key pain points, such as UI confusion and the absence of critical features like batch operations for file management.

User Testing

I leveraged Userbrain to conduct remote usability testing, enhancing our understanding of user interactions within the app. I carefully crafted a series of targeted questions that users could respond to at their convenience. The testing protocol involved recorded sessions where participants navigated through key tasks in the app, articulating their thoughts on the intuitiveness and accessibility of various features. These sessions provided critical insights, uncovering nuanced user behaviours and preferences that informed subsequent design iterations.

Design Audit

Next, I conducted a thorough audit of the current design, assessing usability, accessibility, and overall user experience. This phase revealed areas for improvement, including navigation, information architecture, and visual hierarchy

User Persona

I managed the development of a targeted user persona to address the issue of broad and ineffective user engagement. Collaborating closely with stakeholders, we utilized in-depth user insights to craft a persona that dramatically improved both user focus and conversion rates.

Flow and wireframes

Crafted a user flow and layouts to establish a solid foundation for the user interface. My approach was deeply collaborative, involving stakeholders at every step to ensure alignment with both business objectives and user needs. Regular feedback sessions were integral to this process, enabling me to refine and iterate on the wireframes dynamically. This iterative cycle not only facilitated stakeholder buy-in by keeping them engaged and informed but also allowed us to collectively optimize the designs for the best possible user experience.


Design system and tokens

Creation of a comprehensive design system, including the development of design tokens, to ensure consistency across our web app and streamline the development process. This initiative was crucial in establishing a unified visual and functional framework that all team members could follow, reducing design inconsistencies and accelerating product development cycles.

Remote collaboration

Virtual meetings became a staple for real-time decision-making and progress updates, while Figma’s commenting feature facilitated ongoing, detailed feedback on design elements, enabling continuous refinement and iteration.

New features developed
Bulk actions

I introduced hover-triggered bulk actions and applied progressive disclosure principles to maintain a sleek user interface while enhancing functionality, which allowed us to present advanced features in a way that keeps the user interface uncluttered and focuses attention where it's needed.

Pin by CID

I crafted a solution to allow multiple CIDs to be added at once, streamlining the workflow for our users. This design shift from single to multiple entries not only enhances efficiency but also broadens the app's appeal, marrying technical need with user-friendly design.

Improved pin queue

I refined the Pin by CID process, integrating a streamlined queue that's visible only when needed. This design reduces screen clutter and maintains a clean interface, improving usability without sacrificing function.


By carefully considering user feedback and implementing impactful new features, we've received overwhelmingly positive qualitative feedback from the community. Notably, support tickets have decreased by 17%, indicating a smoother user experience. With improved navigation and a refined design, Pinata has solidified its position as the top choice for reliable IPFS storage solutions.