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Designing a P2P funding web app for decentralized science at the ETHGlobal hackathon

Designing a P2P funding web app for decentralized science at the ETHGlobal hackathon

Designing a P2P funding web app for decentralized science at the ETHGlobal hackathon

About Swirl

Swirl is a project built during the ETH Global NY hackathon. At its core, it is a science funding platform in which we leveraged ERC-6551 to introduce accountability between research groups and donors of research projects. Research groups use our app to create a shared Safe that holds the funds for their research project. When a Safe is created, an NFT is issued to represent ownership of it. Donors can send donations to the research group's safe, and research groups can transfer ownership of the Safe by sending their NFT to another entity.

Since the Safe is guarded, when the research group wants to withdraw funds, they must issue a withdrawal proposal instead. This triggers a simple-majority voting round in which all donors are invited to apply due diligence and review the reasons for the application of funds. Donors may decide to vote in favour of the withdrawal request, or they may vote against it. All voting is accomplished on-chain using Uma's oSnap protocol.


Lead Product Designer


Sep 2023



About Swirl

Swirl is a project built during the ETH Global NY hackathon. At its core, it is a science funding platform in which we leveraged ERC-6551 to introduce accountability between research groups and donors of research projects. Research groups use our app to create a shared Safe that holds the funds for their research project. When a Safe is created, an NFT is issued to represent ownership of it. Donors can send donations to the research group's safe, and research groups can transfer ownership of the Safe by sending their NFT to another entity.

Since the Safe is guarded, when the research group wants to withdraw funds, they must issue a withdrawal proposal instead. This triggers a simple-majority voting round in which all donors are invited to apply due diligence and review the reasons for the application of funds. Donors may decide to vote in favour of the withdrawal request, or they may vote against it. All voting is accomplished on-chain using Uma's oSnap protocol.


Lead Product Designer


Sep 2023



About Swirl

Swirl is a project built during the ETH Global NY hackathon. At its core, it is a science funding platform in which we leveraged ERC-6551 to introduce accountability between research groups and donors of research projects. Research groups use our app to create a shared Safe that holds the funds for their research project. When a Safe is created, an NFT is issued to represent ownership of it. Donors can send donations to the research group's safe, and research groups can transfer ownership of the Safe by sending their NFT to another entity.

Since the Safe is guarded, when the research group wants to withdraw funds, they must issue a withdrawal proposal instead. This triggers a simple-majority voting round in which all donors are invited to apply due diligence and review the reasons for the application of funds. Donors may decide to vote in favour of the withdrawal request, or they may vote against it. All voting is accomplished on-chain using Uma's oSnap protocol.


Lead Product Designer


Sep 2023




Leading the project, I not only proposed the initial concept stemming from my passion for decentralized science, but also directed the art and executed the design swiftly enough for the team to implement it within the tight hackathon timeframe.

This required a rapid yet thorough design process to ensure the interface was intuitive and visually appealing. My leadership in both ideation and execution enabled us to develop a functional and attractive prototype that effectively met the hackathon's demands for innovation under pressure.


I adopted an ultra-lean methodology for this hackathon, initially focusing on rapid, low-fidelity sketching that facilitated early and iterative collaboration with the development team. This approach swiftly evolved into creating low-fi and high-fidelity prototypes and establishing the art direction.

This optimized process was pivotal in allowing our team to adapt quickly and deliver a polished, user-centric design under the tight hackathon deadlines.


The showcase of our demo at the ETH Global Hackathon was a sweeping success, as evidenced by multiple prestigious awards. Our user experience design earned the 🥇 Privy Best UX Award, while our innovative use of the UMA/Across platform captured the 🥇 UMA Award for Best on UMA/Across. Our focus on societal benefits was honored with the 🤝 Polygon Best Public Good Award, and the overall strength of our demo was recognized with the 🏊‍♂️ Arbitrum Pool Prize.

These awards underscore our project's potential to pioneer new directions in the web3 industry in order to accelerate scientific breakthroughs.

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